Cranberry Pie

In my book, cranberries do not get enough "respect", at least not in my neck of the woods (Pennsylvania).

The only relationship I had with cranberries for the better part of my life was to hear that awful slurping sound when someone was dumping cranberry sauce out of "that can" for Thanksgiving dinner. I had (and still do not have) noooo interest in eating that stuff! I don't quite get the attraction but I know so many folks are passionate about that sauce and what it represents.

Take for instance the fact that for the last few years, I make not one but 2 varieties of homemade cranberry compote, it what you will. I change it up every year and in the end, no matter how many folks are at the Thanksgiving table, I have a much better chance of selling them swamp land in Florida than having them try something other than "that can"! One year, I hid the canned stuff, just waiting to see if anyone said anything and I almost had an angry mob on my hands. Oh well!!
This dessert is a favorite of mine, as soon as I see fresh cranberries at the market I get excited knowing I will soon be making and sharing Cranberry Pie.

I should warn you that for whatever reason, pregnant women particularly, go crazy for this dessert, seriously crazy!!

My 5 year old daughter made this one yesterday, I only helped her with the chopping of the berries. She chopped about one to my every 20 lol!

This dessert is perfect for your Thanksgiving table, anywhere near Christmas or of course just to celebrate that fresh cranberries are here!!

How about letting a child in your life make this for their contribution to your holiday meal, I guarantee you that they, number one, can do it and number two will feel so very special.

Cranberry Pie

2 cups of halved fresh cranberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup sugar

2 large eggs
3/4 cup butter, melted and cooled
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease a 9 or 10 inch spring form pan

In a medium bowl combine cranberries, walnuts and 1/2 cup of sugar.
Mix well. Pour mixture directly into your well greased spring form pan.
Spread evenly.

In a medium bowl, combine butter and sugar. Mix well. Add in the eggs and the four. Mix well.

Spread batter gently over the cranberry/walnut mixture until all areas are covered.

Bake on top of a baking sheet (to catch drips) for 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the cake portion comes out clean.

Once removed from the oven let it sit for a minute. Then ever so gently go around the perimeter of the pan with a butter knife gently breaking the connection of the pie and the pan. Slowly, release the side of the pan and remove.
Let the pie sit for another minute. Then gently invert onto a plate. As you slowly begin to remove the bottom of the pan from the top of the pie use a butter to guide the topping away from the pan. If you want more of a cake feel you can always double the batter, but this is how I like it best.
Cool and serve. Oh and watch out for the pregnant women!

**I usually make this as one regular sized pie, however to make as mini "pies" as pictured above, use 4 to 6, three or four-inch springform pans, divide your mixtures up evenly (depending on size used) and bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the cake part comes out clean.



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