Savory Scones with Goat Cheese and Scallions

Bread is an Achilles heel of mine for sure! I love the smell, taste, texture, crumbs and the butter that goes with it.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I seriously could have picked up a stick of butter and taken a bite out of it (however I refrained myself – I just ate extra bread smothered with butter instead).

Today, I look back and realize my itty-bitty baby must have had her hands on the internal controls in an attempt to get some butter to come her way.
I swear, my daughter who is now 5, if given the choice between candy or a swipe of her finger over the butter dish, she would choose the butter dish! Samantha is in the kitchen cooking side by side with me 75% of the time….now I am on to her…it’s all about the butter….she’ll say “can I have just one taste” with those big blue eyes looking up at me and I am like “OK, sweetie, just a little taste”. Man…I’ve been had!
Lucky for her she is soooo tiny and petite – she has always been either not on the chart for height and weight or very low. So for now she can have a swipe of butter now and again without worry.
I can give up candy, I can give up soda but I don’t think I could ever give up bread. These savory scones are so good right out of the oven and take no more time than it does to try and pop open those crescent rolls, and roll them up on a pan.
I shape these as biscuits, but you could certainly shape into one or 2 round loaves. Flatten them a bit, slice into triangle wedges and bake that way.



2 cups of flour
1 TBS baking powder
1 tsp salt
4 or 4.5 ounces of soft goat cheese (a small log), chilled
3-4 scallions (green onions), sliced thin both green and whites
¾ cup cold half and half
1 egg

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Combine first 3 ingredients in a large bowl and mix. Add in the cheese and mash it around with a fork – break it up good. Add in sliced scallions, half and half and the egg.
Mix gently until it becomes doughy. Use a piece of parchment or wax paper as your work surface, scatter some flour and begin either shaping into biscuits or traditional scone wedges. Bake on a parchment lined baking sheet for about 25 minutes or until golden. Don’t forget the butter!!



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