Sweet and Spicy Pretzels

It's that time of year again, a time for making a list and checking it twice; maybe it's fulfilling the children in our lives wishes to Santa, gifts for friends, family and loved ones or the all to familiar grocery shopping lists (or the dreaded cleaning the house list for the huge gathering we are about to have...just so we can clean it again after they leave).I love to have parties, I love the planning and the serving of the food and drinks and the good time that come with them and I make a ton of to do or countdown lists.
Now that I am a Mother, I am seriously trying to lessen the time I am in the kitchen at the stove during a gathering (honey...really I am). I tend to get a bit crazy that everything is fresh and at peak tastiness so I don't make too much ahead, I prep of course, but in the moment I cook. Lucky for me folks help me out. Usually that works out ok...but I have had some bloopers...like at my son's Baptism party. I had 3 entrees one of which was a zucchini frittata - It was prepped, it was just about complete, it was beautiful...then my Dad "helped". As I saw him happily stirring up my big beautiful frittata (he was trying to flip it over in chunks like an omelet I guess) I think I screamed. "Aaaaiiiiieeeee......Dad!!!! That was a frittata...it was to finish in the oven, then you cut it like a pie!!!" Once my husband picked me up off the floor I then calmly walked over and threw the heaping churned mess in the trash. Funny how often my Dad and I man the stove well together. That moment however is burned in my mind forever...his too I imagine lol!

Now at parties I have simple nibbles scattered about try these Naughty or Nice Pretzels...you decide. Should you spice them up...if so how much or keep them sweet either way they go quick.

Naughty Pretzels

1 bag of mini pretzels or snaps (16 to 19 ounces)
1 cup melted butter
6 TBS brown Sugar
5 TBS whiskey
2 tsp garlic powder
1 1/2 tsp red pepper

or for Nice Pretzels omit the garlic powder and the red pepper.

You can also throw your favorite spice in, in place of the red pepper...like Cajun seasoning, cumin, cinnamon - play around with it in small batches and see what you get. I am thinking of trying some with a bit of grainy mustard.

Combine everything but the pretzels in a large mixing cup and stir until fully incorporated. Then toss pretzels and sauce in a large bowl for a sec then pour onto a baking sheet and cook at 325 degrees for 15 minutes, stirring a few times.
Once fully cooled, keep in an airtight container or gallon bag until ready to serve.




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