Dessert Crepes

Shhh I just made this for myself...just ate one knew and I ate it in luxurious peace...mmmmm...and it was sooo stinking good!

I haven't made these in a few years and was thinking of them.

That to me is one of the best parts of knowing how to just think of something you are in the mood for and waaallah...there it is!
That is one reason I make sure my kids are involved in at least half of my time in the kitchen...that and fun...and memories...and tasting...and someday down the road they will be my dish slaves (insert evil laugh here)!

I used to whip these up at the end of dinner with friends.
Custom made for each person,one at a time.
The heat of the warm crepe melting the ice cream and commingling with the strawberries...go ahead and lick the plate - who cares!!
It doesn't take much time at all. Start to finish tonight it took me 7 minutes!

Crepes with Ice Cream and Strawberries

Crepes (see recipe below)
Ice Cream

For this I only use Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream...a treat for sure!
You can use fresh or frozen strawberries. Today I used frozen in syrup.
If you are using fresh, sprinkle berries with a bit of sugar and let sit for a bit to get can also puree a few for syrup.


2/3 cup flour
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon sugar
3/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil plus a bit more for the skillet

Combine all of the above in a bowl and wisk until smooth. Heat your non-stick skillet with a bit of oil in it (use a 6 inch or so skillet)over medium high heat. Use just enough oil to coat the pan, then blot excess with a paper towel.
Place about 3 tablespoons or so into the pan and quickly pick up the pan and swirl it around getting the batter to coat the pan bottom fully in a nice thin layer. Cook for about 45 seconds or so, then use a fork to gently pick up a bit of the edge of the crepe and with your fingers gently flip it over and cook that side for about 15-30 seconds. This isn't something you do ahead - for best turn out make them as you go. Once the crepe cools just a bit plop a good amount of ice cream down the middle, roll it tight seam side down and cover with strawberries and it right away and ask for seconds!!

If you have leftover crepes, the kids will enjoy some strawberry jam in the middle. Spread some jam on the crepe, fold it up like a triangle, sprinkle with powdered sugar and ta-dah! This recipe should yield 4 or 5 crepes, it depends on the size skillet you use.




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