Lentils and Potatoes with Curry

I was flipping through some cookbooks this afternoon...as I'm wont to do...searching for something I could make with ingredients that I already had in house.  Do you do that?  I go with something I have, say chickpeas or green beans or tofu...and then hit the indices of a big stack of books.  Comparing items I have...or could adapt...or draw inspiration from.  Sometimes completely striking out...other times hitting pay dirt.  I was searching lentils this particular day (yesterday)...looking for something to eat for dinner that would have enough leftovers for me to pack into my lunchbox for our trip up to meet my mom tomorrow (today by now).  I found a dish that caught my fancy...for which I also had all the components in the pantry or fridge...and this comforting, belly-filling, heat-creeping dish was on the stove in minutes flat.  Don't ask me how many minutes...just minutes.  Minutes flat.  I guess it sounds strange to leave out the actual number if you're using that phrase.  So, we'll say... I had it on the stove in 4 minutes flat! 

Lentils and Potatoes with Curry

1 c. dried brown lentils, washed and picked over
3½  c. homemade coconut milk (or water or veg stock)
1 Tbs. homemade curry powder
2 medium Russet potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks
salt and freshly ground black pepper
yogurt and cilantro leaves for garnish

Combine the lentils, liquid, and curry powder in a medium saucepan and bring to boil over med-high heat. Turn heat down to med-low, so it bubbles gently, then partially cover and cook ~15 mins., until lentils start to absorb liquid a bit.

Add potatoes and cover pan completely.  Cook, undisturbed, for 10 mins. or so, then stir gently.  If lentils seem too dry, add a bit more liquid. Add some salt as the lentils become tender.

Cover and continue to cook until lentils are soft and beginning to turn to mush and potatoes are tender at center, 5-10 mins.  Add liquid if necessary...should be moist, but not soupy.  Add lots of black pepper, then stir, taste, and adjust seasonings as necessary.  Serve garnished w/ yogurt & cilantro.


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