Savory Cheese & Scallions Scones

I usually think fruit when I think scones.  You?  And I've been thinking scones for about a month or so now.  Why, you ask?  Because after the IIP:Tacos concluded last month...this month's theme was announced.  This months theme guessed it...Scones!  I was originally thinking a Maple Walnut scone.  That was on my mind for a good 2 weeks...but then it's just been so hella-hot that I decided against them.  Anything maple seems Autumn or Winter to me ahhhh, Autumn.  Or there's always the Blueberry ones that I made last year...that were pretty stupendous in their own rite.  For some reason, I lost the fruit urge...and gained a savory urge.  Cheese or garlic or onions or a pork product or ....anything savory.  I wanted to make a sandwich out of it.  I wanted comfort. In my mouth and in my belly.  Well, I found it...more like it ran me down like a runaway train!  Like tender biscuits?  Like stinky pungeant pronounced cheese?  Like delicious bready things?  Then you'll like LOVE these scones.

Savory Cheese & Scallion Scones

very slightly adapted from Farmgirl Fare

yield: 8 large or 12 smaller scones

for scones:

2-2½ c. unbleached all-purpose flour

½ c. whole wheat flour

1 Tbs. + 2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

4 oz. homemade feta cheese, crumbled

4 oz. homemade cream cheese, softened in microwave 15-30 seconds until very soft

4 scallions, chopped

1 c. half and half or whole milk homemade cultured buttermilk

1 egg

for glaze:

1 egg

2 Tbs. milk

Begin by preheating the oven to 400° F.  Combine 2 c. of the AP flour, the whole wheat flour, baking powder, and salt in a large bowl.  Gently mix in cheeses with a fork, until combined.  Gently mix in scallions.  Combine the buttermilk and egg in small bowl, then gently combine with other ingredients.  You DON'T want to overwork the dough here...that will make for tough scones...simply mix until you don't see anymore dry flour.  The dough will be very soft and slightly sticky.  If it feels too sticky, add a bit of the extra flour in.  I was fine just dumping the mixture out onto a floured surface. The less you handle the dough the more tender the resulting scones will be.

Gently form the dough into a large disc (or two if making 12 scones), ~1" thick.  Cut into 8 wedges (or12) I used a lightly floured bench cutter for this and place on a parchment lined sheet pan. 

Lightly beat together the egg and milk and brush over the tops of the scones.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden.  Set on a wire rack to cool.  Serve warm or at room temp...reheat in microwave or toaster oven to serve, if you wish.

Susan also notes in her post that they will freeze very go ahead and make a double batch, if you feel like it!  Just cool them completely then freeze in freezer bags.  Defrost one...or room temp and then reheat in the oven at 375° F for 5 -8 minutes...or in your toaster oven or microwave for a quicker fix!

We enjoyed these for brunch...and even turned a few into sandwiches.  We sliced warm scones in half, slathered them with homemade butter and piled some crisped ham and poached eggs in between the layers. Soooooo good!  I kid you not, these scones are tangy from the buttermilk and from the cream cheese...and the scallions warm your mouth with the green, earthiness of fresh onions. And did I mention the texture!?  Tender as can be!  I's hard to put into words.  But, just imagine the most perfectly tender, moist, delicious biscuit you've ever eaten in your life...and add the rest of the deliciousness to that and you'll have it!  These are now my go-to biscuits...even though they're scones.  I'll just use a biscuit cutter for those days I feel like a biscuit. 

Okay, now I'm in the mood for a bit of sweet...fruity...nutty...tart...  Since I made savory this time, I'll have to go virtually devour a few


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