Roasted Tomato and Summer Squash

Yellow tomatoes, green and yellow summer squash before being put in the oven!

Fall is here and there is a vigorous chill in the air. Everything seems fresher----yes, it is a bit bitter sweet. Yet, we are in a special window right now, were we can still enjoy tomatoes and corn but because of the cooler evening roasting seems a natural way to prepare the seasonal bounty. Up at the farm, because we have such cool evenings (it gets as cool as 50 degrees at night) roasting new potatoes, zucchini and tomatoes is something my mom does every night.

However, roasting vegetables is the LAST thing I can think of doing here in Queens. After living at the bottom of a townhouse in Manhattan for almost 1o years,(living happily without air conditioning)--- I jumped at the opportunity of living on a top floor light (yes, YES!) filled apartment, the only down fall? It is very extremely hot in the summer, and an AC unit is a must. Roasting in the summer is not something I am inclined to do which is fine, but now there is nothing stopping from recreating my mom's signature summer vegetable "gratin." All you need is tomatoes, summer squash, garlic, olive oil, herbs and a bit of Parmesan: so perfect and easy. Roast for about 35 minutes at 375. And you have yourself the perfect summer meets fall side dish!

Mom's Roasted Tomato Gratin


  • tomatoes
  • summer squash
  • garlic,
  • olive oil,
  • herbs (what ever you have on hand)
  • grated Parmesan
  • salt to taste
  1. Slice vegetables and stack, drizzle with olive oil, chopped garlic and herbs. Add salt, toss if you like, then grate Parmesan over vegetables.
  2. Roast for about 35 minutes at 375.
  3. Enjoy!


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